šŸŖ Apple's new vision

Happy Thursday, friends. This is Bite Sized Beta. We're like your McDonaldā€™s 6 piece chicken McNuggets: juicy, filling, and fried from writing this thing (jk!).

We really do have 6 nuggets for ya today - letā€™s get to ā€˜em.

In the oven this week:

  • šŸŽ The top 5 things Apple announced this week

  • šŸ—³ļø Poll of the week: whenā€™s AR/VR going mainstream?

  • šŸ“š Long form reads of the week

  • šŸŖ Cookie crumbs: 5 bite-sized headlines

  • šŸ« Chocolate chips: our 3 favorite finds of the week

  • šŸ˜‚ Snickerdoodles: memes for the weekend



Itā€™s that time of year when all of the geeks make their pilgrimage to the great city of Cupertino.

Thatā€™s right, it was Appleā€™s Coachella this week: WWDC, the big conference where they announce tons of new products for the year.

Were we one of said geeks?

Maybeā€¦ šŸ¤“

We went to all the talks, so let me save you a few hours. Here are the 5 best things Apple announced this week:

1. Obviously, the big kahuna, the Vision Pro, Appleā€™s first mixed reality headset.

Appleā€™s like that one hella annoying kid that always sits in the front of class, knows all the answers, and tattles on everyone. Theyā€™re the perfectionists in tech.

And the Vision Pro ainā€™t an exception.

All the reporters and creators that tried the thing canā€™t stop singing its praises. Apparently, the tech is the best thing out there today - the eye tracking and gesture control is near perfect.

The screen comes in crisp focus as your eyes move around the frame (no motion sickness, folks!), and there are no controllers. All you have to do is tap your fingers together to click into anything in front of you vs needing to hold your arms up all the time *cough* Metaā€™s Quest *cough.*

Ok now the downsides:

  1. The $3.5K price tag: aka 350 Chipotle burritosā€¦.

  2. The battery life is only 2 hours

So far there doesnā€™t seem to be too much you can do with it yet besides watching movies. But hereā€™s the thing: if Meta has sold over 20m headsets, Apple will definitely sell at least 1M of these puppies right out of the gate.

Thatā€™s $3.5B. Billion with a B.

2. An easier way to get someoneā€™s number: a new AirDrop feature called NameDrop lets you share your phone number with another person. All you gotta do is bring your phones near each other.

3. Multiple timers. ā€˜Nuff said.

4. Remember back when we wrote about Appleā€™s chokehold on messaging? Well, the blue bubble gang is getting even stronger, because theyā€™re now letting iMessage users edit texts, even when there are Android users in the same chat. The only thing is, Android users wonā€™t be able to see edited messages.

Talk about being left outā€¦

5. Perhaps the best announcement: Appleā€™s finally gonna stop ducking autocorrecting ā€œduck.ā€

It's about ducking time, Tim.



AR/VR headsets have been around for some time now, but so far, theyā€™ve been too clunky to go mainstream.

Appleā€™s now officially joining the party and the $3.5K price point wonā€™t be for everyone, but clearly people are HYPED. So friends, when do we think AR/VR headsets will finally reach critical mass?



Weā€™re all about the snappy stuff here at Bite Sized Beta, but every once in awhile when itā€™s gloomy out, we put our toys away and curl up with a longer nerdy read.

And where we are, itā€™s been gloomy with capital G.

So, here are a few long reads weā€™re enjoying this week:



The SEC is suing Binance for accusing its CEO of operating a "web of deception." Turns out, the SECā€™s got more complaints than your ex-girlfriend. They dropped a whopping 136 pages worth of accusations, among them wash trading, selling securities without a license, and co-mingling customer funds (CZ buying a yacht with an account that had access to customer funds). Itā€™ll take years for them to sort out the lawsuits, but itā€™s not lookinā€™ good for the worldā€™s largest crypto exchange...

The SEC seems to be handing out lawsuits like candy these days, cause theyā€™re also suing Coinbase. They're saying Coinbase has been acting as a non-registered securities exchange/broker (even though they haven't provided guidance on how Coinbase could comply with regulation.. LOL)

It was Linda Yaccarino's first week as Twitter CEO. The NYT welcomed her with a nice report on Twitter's ad sales plummeting 59% YoY in the US.

Stability AI's founder Emad Mostaque is under fire for exaggerating/lying about his background and the startup. Forbes did some digging and wrote a damning piece about how the guy lied about everything from having masters from Oxford, to having partnerships with Amazon, UNESCO, OECD, WHO, and the World Bank. Now, Mostaque is struggling to raise the startupā€™s next $400M round (theyā€™re targeting a $4B valuation, which is a massive for a startup with ~$10M in revenue).

This week, Meta announced that itā€™s now requiring office workers to return 3x a week starting in September. In the same week, 2K Amazon employees did a ā€œwalk out,ā€ protesting their new return to work policy (also 3x a week in office). Looks like companies are starting to realize theyā€™re more productive when people arenā€™t all taking turns going out to walk their dog in the middle of the dayā€¦







That's all we got for ya this week, folks. See ya next Thursday!

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