🍪 What the Flip?

Happy Thursday, friends. This is Bite Sized Beta. We’re like Mariah Carey at Christmas - we keep comin’ back around with the same old email, but somehow, it still slaps.

‘Tis the season!!

Alright, enough of the holly jolly - let’s get to the good stuff.

In the oven this week:

  • 🛍️ Is Flip the next big thing?

  • 🗳️ Poll of the week: are you on Flip? 

  • 🤑 Our first ever black friday sale

  • 🍪 Cookie crumbs: 7 bite-sized headlines 

  • 🍫 Chocolate chips: our 3 favorite finds this week

  • 😂 Snickerdoodles: extra memery for you today



Remember when you got an allowance as a kid? There were always three types of kids you’d see at school.

Group 1: frugal AF, and saved as much of their allowance as they could.

AKA the cheapo goody two shoes. 

Group 2: had pretty balanced spending habits. They’d make it through the week, but wouldn’t usually have any money leftover for toys or fun stuff.

Group 3: spent it so fast they’d run out of money mid-week and have to borrow lunch money from Group 1. 

Your parents always taught you to be a 1 or a 2, but as it turns out, being a 3 seems to help you crush the app store charts.

Enter Flip, the new social shopping app that’s quietly going viral.

They raised a $60M Series B last July at a $500M valuation.

Lucky for us, they’re now lighting that money on fire and giving it all up to new users.

Allowance who??!

So of course, you know we sped over to investigate faster than a raccoon to a garbage can. 

Here’s how it all works: 

  • The app’s pretty similar to TikTok Shop - a feed of vertical videos and tons of stuff to buy: home goods, beauty, pet care, you name it. They’ve got some top brands in each category.

  • You can refer your friends to the app and give them a credit to shop on the app. If they buy on Flip using that credit, you get that same amount as a credit back to you. But this ain’t no give $10 get $10 typa stuff. We’re talking give $100, get $100. Refer 10 friends and get $1K to spend. 

  • When you create a video review, you get $$ to spend on Flip. You also get commission if someone buys a product through your video.

  • For each video you watch, you get a few cents that you can use to buy more stuff. You don’t even need to watch the whole thing to get some credit, so it’s pretty easy to accumulate hundreds of dollars if you swipe fast.

  • Free shipping, free returns.

Us using Flip

I know, it’s too good to be true. 

So before you race over there, here are the caveats:

  • Your referrals are worth varying amounts based on how many friends they have on Flip. So some referrals will only net $35 while others can get you $150

  • The credits you get can be used for varying amounts of the purchase price (e.g. a referral credit can be used only up to 95% of the purchase price, so if you buy something that’s $100 with a $100 referral credit, you can only use $95 of it max and you’d have to fork up the last $5) 

  • They’re probably harvesting your phone book data

Even with the data harvesting, it’s still way too good to be true.

While they’ve got a ton of creative features, it’s hard to see how they’ll eventually make money, especially as people get used to the steep discounts. 

We’ll have to keep an eye out, but for now, we might as well spend that VC money while it lasts.

Catch me out here enjoying my new saucepan and pickleball paddles ✌🏻



Alright let’s hear it friends, are you using Flip?



Wanna make money?

Of course ya do.

What if I told you that you can get in front of 10,000 founders, investors, and tech leaders?

Yup, aka people who can buy your products.

That’s right friends, Bite Sized Beta is now accepting sponsors. I can talk about your business right here and help you drive revenue.

We just opened up our December slots and figured, why not offer ‘em up to our audience?

And since it’s the season for giving, we’re doing our first ever Black Friday sale, where you can get 50% off with the code “BLACKFRIDAY.”

So if you’re building cool sh*t and wanna advertise with us, you can snag a slot using our janky form below (swear it’s real!), or hit reply to this email for more info.



Elon’s changing the Twitter algorithm to favor small accounts. That’s right small boys, it’s our time! It’s an interesting strategy, since it basically forces the big players to rely on Twitter ads and buy their way back into your feed. 

Apparently, Apple gets 36% of Google's revenue in search in a deal to make Google the default search engine in Safari. “Google’s lawyers visibly cringed in court when the number was revealed.” 😂

WeWork is officially bankrupt… and Adam Neumann is still a billionaire.

The gap in life expectancy between men and women is widening. And guess who's livin' longer?? Women, who are now living on average 79.3 years, while men are at 73.5 years. The biggest contributors to the gap are unintentional injuries and covid. Sounds about right...

If you’ve ever wanted a Rolex, now might be your time. Bloomberg's Subdial Watch Index, which tracks luxury watch prices, took another dip in October, hitting a 2-year low (down 18% over the last two years). And it ain’t even Black Friday yet!







That's all we got for ya this week, folks. See ya next Thursday!

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